Spring/Chinook Salmon Fishing

Chinook (Spring Salmon) fishing on the Bulkley river here in the Smithers BC area runs well most of the month of July and into the begining of August.  Chinook range in size from 8-50+ pounds with the majority caught in the 20-30 pound range. The record for a Spring is close to 100 pounds caught on the Skeena river. There are many ways to fish for chinook the two most popular being bar fishing and bottom bouncing.  The video below was taken on the Bulkley River in Moricetown BC at a popular spot. The spot is only accessible by boat and so is not usually overcrowded. 

Just across the water from the video above is the far more popular "Idiot Rock". This spot is accessed off the Moricetown Reserve turn off highway 16 at the gas station in Moricetown then take your first right down fisherman road. There is a parking lot at the end of the road and a clearly marked path that leads to the rock. You will also notice the signage for access fees charged by the Moricetown band.  Prices change year to year and you should check the signage for current rates and rules.  This spot is good bottom bouncing with a spin and glo rig either with or without roe depending on the time of year.

Always check provincial regulations before heading out to be sure you are not catching over your limit or fishing with bait when you should not be etc.

For more info on how to rig a spin n glo setup or bar fishing rig for chinook salmon stop by and see us at the store.

get out & play today!!

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