Fishing Update - Lakes are where its at

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Posted on May 14/2014

All the local lakes (alpine excluded) are open and fishing reasonably well. For gear fishers live bait is producing results. For fly fisherman chironomids are just getting going and will produce well particularily later in the day on a warm day. Remember a very slow retrieve with chironomid patterns or let the wind drift your fly line and drag the fly along. The recent rain should get things stirred up a bit in the lakes. Irrigation Lake near Houston, Seely Lake and Ross Lake near Hazelton are always greateasy access early fishing spots.

Rainbow alley is still not happening yet but get your small fry patterns and other favorites ready for when it goes off.

Some reports of Steelhead still higher up in the system in the Kispiox. Chinooks are just coming into the Skeena system but as usual this time of the year finding clean water can be an issue. Fish the tributaries and often you can find a clean seam where a stream releases into the main water but it is still a little early.

As always be sure to consult the regulations for the area you plan to fish, practice good etiquitte and have fun.

get out & play today!!

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