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Back Door Open!

Posted on Jul 04/2014

This last trail opening completes the full list and all trails are currently open.

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Pump Daddy open

Posted on Jun 06/2014

Pump Daddy and Huckin' Eh 2.0 along with Nervous Shakedown are the latest trails to open up or reopen.

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Huckin’ Eh Open Again

Posted on May 27/2014

Huckin' Eh is OPEN once again....Upgrades complete and the word is more riders equals better, especially before the rain get out there and Ride it!! Auntie Flow is now OPEN....thanks to a certain volunteer (you know who you are) for all your hard work on this trail....trail is in awesome shape and riding it is recommended!

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Huckin Eh! Closure

Posted on May 22/2014

Huckin' Eh is CLOSED until further notice! We are sorry but due to trail upgrades and the recent rains the trail needs to remain bike free. We ask that you please respect this and any other closures you might see on the trails!

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Awesome Fall Riding

Posted on Oct 24/2013

There is some amazing late season riding to be had out there. Take advantage of the warm fall afternoons.

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Trails in Amazing Shape

Posted on Sep 02/2013

As we hit fall there is still time to take advantage of the trails

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Trails in decent shape

Posted on Jul 02/2013

Most trails are open and in decent shape. The recent rain has left some wet spots in the usual places but otherwise traction is good.

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All Trails Open! almost

Posted on Jun 15/2013

All trails except upper backdoor are open. This is awesome for this time of the year

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Trails Update

Posted on Jun 03/2013

Well, with rain brings some wet, slick trails and with this we are pulling the pin on a few trails. As of today (June 3) Upper Long Way and P. Daddy will be closed. Our hope is that things should dry up for the weekend but we’ll keep you posted!!

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